The more bicycles we give away, the more smiles we create

Bicycles are donated
Donated bikes are picked up at your location or contact Stephen at
sasteamer@aol for drop off location.

Bicycles are re-purposed at our facility
Each bike is given a thorough safety inspection, cleaned, repaired as needed and then a test ride to make sure everything is working properly.

Bicycles are presented to individuals
Recipients of our bikes come from a variety of life styles, ages and needs. What they have in common is a big smile.
New Program
This would include churches and other nonprofits that would like to offer a bike donation program to their members.
CBI will help promote your bicycle donation program through social media venues and your in-house communication channels.
CBI will pick up donated bicycles at a location of your choice.
The bicycles you have donated will be repurposed in our facility. Re-purposed bicycles are thoroughly checked and repaired as needed. Each bicycle will include a gift card that indentifies your organization and a message.
Existing Bicycle Program
There is no need for your organization to allocate space and other resources for your bicycle donation program. Your organization will have full use of the CBI bicycle repurposing facility, including bike repair stations and tools. The only thing you will be responsible for is the cost of any parts that are needed.
Scout Program
We will provide the necessary infrastructure that will assist with the completion of your
“Eagle Scout Program”. It is the responsibility of the scout to supervise the bike donation program. We provide you with the location, bike stands, all necessary tools and a shop that will help the project go a little smoother.
Bike Repair Clinics
Would you like to know more about simple bike repair and preventative maintenance? We offer free bike repair clinics that show you how to:
Repair flats
Adjust brakes
Adjust front and rear derailleurs
Correct seat height
Proper lubrication of chain
Repair clinics are open to all ages and usually last about an hour.

Charity Bike Institute is a year round nonprofit bicycle facility that repurposes donated bicycles and presents those bicycles to individuals in need. The ultimate goal is to give away as many bicycles as possible.
The more bicycles we give away, the more smiles we create.
CBI Approach
Our innovative approach is unique and forward thinking. We invite other nonprofits to utilize our facility and resources. Churches, Scouting Organizations and Fire/Police Departments are all welcome to use our state of the art facilities to fulfill their bicycle donation projects.
Additionally, we will provide a complete bicycle donatiion program to organizations that have the desire to help others but not the time or resources.
Since we are a nonprofit, a donated bicycle provides you a tax deduction and more importantly, brightens someone’s day.
CBI repurposed bicycles are presented to individuals of all ages. Our list includes:
Elementary Schools
High Schools
Homeless shelters
Other nonprofits
Why donate
Do you remember when you received your first bike? We think that feeling should be available to every child. At CBI, with your help, we can create those smiles. Elementary schools are one of our more important recipients of repurposed bicycles
Your donation is tax deductible.
Most colleges these days require some type of community service as part of their acceptance requirements. As a nonprofit, we will help you meet those requirements.
Veteran Outreach program
CBI recognizes the commitment our service men and women have given to our country. We provide an opportunity for disabled vets to learn a skill, or just give back to other veterans
Community outreach
If you are an organization whose focus is to volunteer, our facilities are a perfect fit. We can create volunteer schedules that will accommodate your specific needs.

The more bicycles we give away, the more smiles we create